Join me in an on-line discussion of the recent HBR article, "Failing By Design." The webinar will help attendees understand the concept of intelligent failure, in which when inevitably, things don't go as you expect, you can benefit from these mishaps and gain valuable learning. Indeed, often failing quickly is the only way to discover opportunities that others who haven't tried and failed might miss.
This is a topic that we take up in my Columbia Executive Education course, Leading Strategic Growth and Change. Among the points we make in the course is that if executives want their people to take intelligent risks and become more entrepreneurial that they need to spell out what kinds of failures are tolerable and which are not.
During this 30-minute event, I'll highlight seven key ways to benefit from a failed experience, and suggest how you can incorporate these ideas into your management style to improve your organizational learning and speed up decision-making.
Register for this complimentary online event.
To learn more about the article, please visit April's Harvard Business Review. To learn more about my program, please visit the Leading Strategic Growth and Change web page. If you have additional questions about the program or event, please contact Liz Schultz at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or 212-854-7613.