This week, I’m here with a fantastic group of participants in Columbia’s Leading Strategic Growth and Change program, which I direct. This morning’s presentation featured Colin Raney and Joe Gerber from design consultancy IDEO . We had a great morning. Colin and Joe described how IDEO works on design problems and how they use Discovery Driven Planning to model business designs just as they traditionally have modeled product designs. Then, we engaged the whole class in an exercise to rethink Wiley’s “For Dummies” franchise. It was energizing, fun and fresh!
During the course of our time with IDEO, Colin mentioned the “large market fallacy” which is a typical mistake that big companies make—thinking that the road to strategy nirvana is getting relatively small slices of huge markets. It’s something we battle against all the time with big companies. You can read more about Colin’s ideas on sizing markets in this Blog Post.