In a Business Review article entitled The Training Chain, Rita McGrath is cited: It might be tempting to shun the cost and uncertainty of outsourcing your training and go completely in-house, McGrath says, but unless you’re willing to do everything yourself, it might not be worth it. “The difficulty you have with an in-house system is that unless you’re a very large company, it will be tough to keep the faculty busy,…”Off the shelf” implies a supermarket, and there are a wide variety of options for a company to choose from for outsourcing training. Just like grocery shopping, McGrath says, companies should always be careful to read labels before making a selection. “You want to look at the qualities of the people doing the training,” she says, adding that qualified trainers are usually certified coaches. When asked which aspect of training is best handled in-house, McGrath says specialized training that’s specific to a company and its culture, along with leadership development, are two categories. “What many really good companies do is they have their own executives doing the [leadership] training.”
To read the entire article and more input from Rita McGrath, click here.