In the April 12, 2007 edition of Expansion Management article, 2007 KNOWLEDGE WORKER QUOTIENT: The Top Metros in the Knowledge Economy, Rita McGrath is quoted…
“R&D spending by universities has been associated with important multiplier effects,” says Rita Gunther McGrath, a professor at the Columbia University Business School and co-author of The Entrepreneurial Mindset (2000, Harvard Business School Press) and MarketBusters: 40 Strategic Moves that Drive Exceptional Business Growth. “Big-spending schools can attract top professors and grants, which in turn attracts top graduate students. These produce better qualified R&D students and indeed, teams of people, some of whom start businesses or share their knowledge and insight with business owners in the area.”
“While the elite schools do produce benefits, for corporations what is sometimes important is the good solid students who come out of middle tier schools, and even community colleges to staff their ranks,” said McGrath. “Diversity and a deep talent pool are good things for growth.”
To read the entire article, click here.