For two-plus years in crisis mode, the overwhelming concern has been survival. Now, the leadership imperative shifts to performance. Recovering societies desperately need fresh injections of economic energy. Our institutions must perform like never before.
But does standing out as a “top performer” mean something different than it did just a few years ago? Traditionally, if you signed on with an organization known for its “performance obsession,” you knew to expect a tight focus on revenue growth and margins. Nonfinancial objectives – from employee engagement and local community impact to social justice and carbon footprints – were secondary targets at best.
That bottom-line emphasis has been challenged for a long time, but recent developments have created unprecedented pressures to rethink value creation and “the business of business.” With powerful investors placing different weights on all manner of ESG metrics, how does an organization align on key objectives?
In “digitally transformed” enterprises, how can leaders do more to engage human hearts and minds? As workers return unevenly to offices, how can “hybrid” contribute to high performance? How great a setback will the “Great Resignation” prove to be?
At the Drucker Forum, we believe that gaining a performance edge still comes down to combining complementary strengths and inspiring people with opportunities to accomplish greater things together. We also believe, in our own gatherings, in the power of bringing together people whose perspectives are highly diverse but whose commitment to progress in management is shared and fundamental. Add your voice to this year’s Digital Summer Forum and help us explore the performance that matters.